The annual EPIC LOCK IN is Friday, February 7, from 8:00 pm until 7:00 am.
Students MUST register for the lock in. Registration will close at 7:00 pm the night of the lock in.
Students may arrive at 8:00 pm. There will be a sign in sheet at the front. Every student must sign in.
PIck up is 7:00 am SHARP. The leaders will be TIRED and ready to go home and sleep :)
All EPIC students are welcome to bring friends, but they must register.
We will serve pizza around 9:00 pm. Snacks will be available all night.
There is no fee for the lock in, but donations to help cover the cost of the pizza and snacks would be appreciated!
Students will not be allowed to leave through the night.
We will have worship, lots of games, fellowship, fun, and a late night movie just for fun.
After the movie, the worship center will be open to girls only and the puppet theater will be open to boys only. This will allow any students who need a nap to take one.
As always, we are collecting items for the blessing box. Please consider sending non-perishable food items and/or toiletries.